Week 11: 第十一周
The Fat Buddha or the Laughing Buddha

This is the buddha that often gets mistaken for Gautama Buddha. He is always happy, and he wants other people to be happy. My Chinese friend said that his belly is so big because he took other people's suffering and put it in his belly, but he's still always happy.
A beautiful wig 美丽的假发

I can't wait for my cousin's kid to grow up and cringe at this picture of himself. He took the thread from a stitching kit and put it on his head. He is an adorable kid and always wants to pet my finger nail polish and play with my earrings.

Here he is mopping for fun in the middle of a badminton game. What a gem.
Eye massager 按摩眼睛

My aunt let me try this eye massager, which felt really weird and good at the same time. I've never had my eyeballs massaged before but I guess there's a first time for everything. And I'm also wearing a mask (which my mom stole from the Bartlesville hospital) because my cousin was sick at the time and I didn't want to catch her cold from sitting next to her on a bus for a few hours. Overall, I look great, as always. Maybe I can be the sad third wheel in Daft Punk.
Balancing chopsticks 平衡筷子(筷子站水碗)

My cousin's wife was not feeling well, and the next thing I know, I'm looking at these chopsticks balancing on this bowl on the floor. I definitely was confused and the situation was explained to me. When someone is not feeling well, it might be because the spirit of an ancestor is in the room. To find out which deceased relative it is, names are listed off as the chopsticks are being put in place. The name that was said when the chopsticks finally stay balanced is the ancestor that is among you. Then to ask for the person who is feeling unwell to feel better, my grandma took a handful of rice and went downstairs then outside and tossed it on the ground.
I don't remember this, but I apparently was not feeling well when I was in China at age 7, and I had family members do this for me. Apparently my fever broke immediately after.
I don't know if I believe that an ancestor is making the person unwell, but even I do believe in the cohesive and adhesive properties of the water on the chopsticks. Pretty cool.
My aunt's coworker 我姨妈的同事
My aunt invited me to lunch with two of her coworkers. When my aunt invited her coworkers, one of them said, "How can I talk with your niece? I don't speak English." And then I thought my aunt explained that I was learning Chinese, but I guess my aunt's coworker didn't fully absorb that information. When we met, I just said polite hellos, and she looked at my aunt and asked, "How is she speaking Chinese? I thought she grew up in America her whole life." My aunt explained that Chinese was my second language.
Then we were we eating lunch, I said something like, "My mom doesn't want to send my brother to East China Normal University because it's is a bit messy. My mom wants my brother to go to Fu Dan University. Indeed, my school is messy. However, I like the cafeteria. Moreover, it's close to my cousin's house. Therefore, I like East China Normal University." And then my aunt's coworker was amazed. "Wow, you can even say words like 'moreover' and 'therefore'! Your Chinese is pretty good. You even pay attention to the intonation of the language."
My guess is that she's never really had contact with a Chinese American before. I learned "therefore" probably when I was in elementary school and I learned "moreover" last year, which is definitely not impressive. But she intended it as a complement and I appreciated the sentiment. She was adorable.
我姨妈请了我跟她和她两个同事吃一顿午饭。后来姨妈告诉我在她请她同事的时候,其中一个同事问她:“我怎么跟你姨侄女讲讲话呢?我又不会英语。“ 我相信我姨妈告诉她我现在在学中文,但是她的同事好像还是没搞清楚我是可以讲一点中文的。因此当我跟她打招呼的时候,她看着我姨妈,问道,”她怎么能说中文呢?我以为她是一直在美国长大的。” 我的姨妈说中文是我第二种语言。
我们吃饭的时候,我说:“我妈妈不太愿意把我哥哥送到华师大,因为华师大乱得很。她要我哥哥去复旦大学。华师大确实有点乱,但是我很喜欢华师大的食堂。而且,离我表哥家很近。所以我很喜欢华师大。” 然后那个阿姨很惊讶。“哇!你还能说 ‘而且’ 和 ‘所以’。你的中文挺好。你还会注意四声。”
我猜想他有可能从未有机会碰到美国的华裔。我大概是在上小学的时候学会 ‘所以’,不过‘而且’ 是去年才学会的。虽然这么晚才学会 ‘而且’ 没有那么了不起。但是她对我的表扬我还是很感谢。这个阿姨特别可爱。
Thanks for reading! 谢谢你读我的博客!
I just finished my midterms yesterday and I'm happy! When the semester was starting, the teachers said level 3 would be too easy and level 4 would be too hard. I felt I had to study a fair amount to not feel dumb during class. Now I think that the level 4 class is also too easy for me, but I don't want to switch into level 5 because I am too lazy. Plus, I love my classmates and my teachers. My teachers like to show us pictures of kids and food and flowers, and my classmates and I sometimes bring food to share with everyone. Some of the other classes here are full of students that never talk to or make eye contact with each other and teachers that yell at the students and question what they're doing with their life. (But does anyone really know what they're doing with their life? Especially if they're sitting in a classroom in a foreign country being yelled at in a foreign language? Sounds scary.) I guess I will just learn more Chinese from talking to people, watching TV, and doing online HSK test prep.
Thanks for reading, and see you next Thursday!