Week 13 of 23: 第十三周
Budding Pop! 团子
My cousin took me to this exhibition of a strange cartoon thing called Budding Pop. This was yet another moment of me thinking, "I don't know what's going on but I love all of it."

The Chinese characters above are pronounced, "Ni zhe me hao kan shuo shen me dou dui," which means something like, "when you are this good-looking, everything you say is right."

These characters are pronounced "you zhi" which means "childish."

These Chinese characters are pronounced "guo jin wo lia de xiao bei zi" which means "wrap our blanket tightly around us."

I had to wait a while to get this picture, because the doors behind me are automatic and there are so many people in China.

The free tickets had stickers built in, so now they are now my phone decorations.

"Ni de ke ai tu ran chu xian" means "your cuteness suddenly became apparent."

They even had drinks and cakes that had Budding Pop on it, and as a gift I got a keychain.
Thanks for reading! 谢谢你读我的博客
I didn't have a very productive week. It was mostly doing homework at the last possible minute and showing up to class at the last possible minute. But my French friend and my roommate have birthdays this weekend so I did do at least one productive things by getting them presents, although I got them last minute as well.
I learned that a slacker is called a "老油条 (lao you tiao)", which literally translates to "old fried dough stick" and I am feeling like I am becoming one. I don't want to be old fried dough, but I feel it happening.
Thanks for putting up with this and still reading about my life. See you next Thursday!