Week 6: 第å…周
All I think of was to give her flowers

I've been thinking that I shouldn't write about race relations because it would upset or offend people. But then I remembered my Queen Reigneth and she would knit her eyebrows and tell me to do whatever the heck I want.
It was district conference at church last weekend, which means that people from cities close to Shanghai gathered in Shanghai. I met a guy from Ghana, Africa, and he lives in Ningbo, China. He can't speak Chinese so I offered to help him buy a train ticket. After church was over, they were giving away flowers, and I took some lilies and orchids before taking my new friend to the subway. When we were in the subway, we talked while I held my flowers. He said the little girl next to me was cowering behind her mother because he was black. I looked at this little girl, and she looked around 5. She was too young to be filled with hate, so it must have been fear of the unfamiliar. I knelt down and saw she was near tears. I said hello and smiled, offering her some of my flowers. She burrowed further into the comfort of her mother. I looked at her mother. Her mother said, "She is scared of the black man you are with." I responded, "Ah, she's probably never seen one before." Her mother said, "She saw one black lady, and she was mean, so now she is scared." I look at the girl and said, "He is a good person. He is my friend. You do not need to be scared." I again offered the little girl flowers. The little girl said, "You dropped some of your flowers earlier, and I told you, but you didn't hear me." I said, "Ah yes, I know I've dropped some flowers, but what am I to do? I know that you can take good care of my flowers." She took some of my orchids and held them close, admiring them. The mom said, "Auntie gave you flowers. You should say thank you." She looked at me, still scared, and said, "Thank you, Auntie."
I wish I could've done more than give her flowers. I wish I could've healed the fear in her heart. Little kids with this fear can grow up to the be the people who say things like, "You should be careful. You never know what a black person might do" and "I don't want to live with a black person" and "Black people are dishonest."
People have asked me if I am afraid of black people, if I avoid black people, and if I say the n-word, and I only have two answers. One, I chose to live with my Nigerian friend back in America, and I think she is a good person. Two, there are good people and bad people of every race. Of course, both of these are simplistic responses, but I don't know how else to answer. I say these things and then just let it be. I didn't come to China to initiate a moral crusade. Race relations are complicated anywhere you go, and it's impossible to just fix problems with smiles and flowers. That would be nice though.
Superior bikes

I remember when my brother was little, he wanted to be a garbage man. I think he would be well-suited to the garbage collection tricycles in China.

My mom took this picture of my cousin and me a while ago, when I went to a park with 2 aunts, an uncle, my mom, and my cousin. My mom, my cousin, and I rode a triplet tandem bike, and my aunts and uncle rode another. Steering was ridiculously hard. My wrists are weak and my arms are like cooked noodles, so I made my cousin steer when I couldn't. My mom was ultra helpful, as she sat in the back and decided she didn't need to peddle with two young folks who could peddle her around the park.
My mom wasn't alone though. I saw plenty of couples in the park where the girl was not only not peddling, but also playing on her phone.

I also learned that Side By Side Bikes are also called Sociables or Buddy Bikes. How adorable.
Yogurt in a carton

I still don't understand the concept of drinking yogurt from a carton, especially at a restaurant. But to get the yogurt left at the bottom, you undo the flaps and flatten the carton. It's pretty good and a lot of fun.
Wrapping dumplings

This was a few weeks ago as well. I was borrowing my aunt's outer layer that is used to protect your nice winter coat. I guess it's like a really serious, stylish, glorious apron. My cousin's wife showed me how to wrap dumplings because I hadn't done it in so long that I'd forgotten.
Water well

When my parents were young, they used water from the nearby river. Now there is a super cool well, and the kids loved playing with it. I just liked watching them play with it.
It's electric

I've only seen people fish with fishing poles. Since I was in the countryside, I honestly was expecting some werid voodoo magic, but he was literally electrocuting the poor fish.
Thanks for reading!
I am really excited to go back to Jingjiang tomorrow! Last semester I was going to school in Norman and would drive to Bartlesville, my home in America. This semester, I am going to school in Shanghai and get to spend some weekends in Jingjiang, which I now feel is my home in China. It's good to have two homes, and I never would have felt this way if I didn't come to China this semester.
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime." -Mark Twain
See you next Thursday!